English A Language & Literature

Group 1

Course Description


SL and HL


Stage 5 English



The IB Diploma Programme English A: Language and Literature course develops understanding of the techniques involved in the criticism of both literary and language-based texts. The course draws on a range of literature, as well as a wide variety of language texts to develop an appreciation for the complexity of authorial purpose, as well as an appreciation for how details of the time and place in which a text was written can impact the production of texts. Students also will be required to engage with intertextual concerns and develop an awareness of how textual meaning is shaped by – and may be transformed through – an understanding of other texts.

Students completing this course will be encouraged to develop an understanding of other social, cultural and political perspectives in accordance with the conceptual exploration embedded in the course. They will also have developed skills in analysis and the ability to support an argument in clearly expressed writing, sometimes at significant length. This course will enable students to succeed in a wide range of university courses, particularly in literature but also in subjects such as philosophy, law and further language studies.



Language A: Language & Literature Standard Level Language & Literature Higher Level
Works in translation A minimum of one text in translation studied from authors on the Prescribed Reading List A minimum of two texts in translation studied from authors on the Prescribed Reading List
Detailed Study Minimum of one text originally written in the language studied, by authors on the Prescribed Reading List A minimum of two texts originally written in the language studied, by authors on the Prescribed Reading List
Options Two can be chosen freely – from the Prescribed reading list or elsewhere – and may be in translation Two can be chosen freely – from the Prescribed reading list or elsewhere – and may be in translation

Students will also engage in a study of language texts drawn from many of (but not limited to) the following text types:

Advertisement Encyclopaedia entry Parody
Appeal Film/Television Pastiche
Biography Guide Book Photographs
Infographic Radio Broadcast Blog
Brochure/leaflet Interview Report
Cartoon Letter (formal) Screenplay
Diagram Letter (informal) Set of instructions
Diary Manifesto Speech
Electronic texts Textbook Essay
Memoir Travel Writing Recipe


Language A: Language & Literature Standard Level     Language & Literature Higher Level    
Type of Assessment Format of assessment Time (hours) Weighting of final grade (%)  Format of assessment Time (hours) Weighting of final grade (%)
External   70   80
Paper 1 Guided analysis of one unseen language text. 1.15 35 Guided analysis of two unseen language texts. 2.15 35
Paper 2 Essay based on two literary works studied. 1.45 35 Essay based on two literary works studied. 1.45 25
HL Essay N/A   1500 word essay on a literary or language text.  N/A 20
Internal     30     20
Oral Work Individual oral presentation and viva.  15 minutes 30 Individual oral presentation and viva.  15 minutes 20