Answers to frequently asked questions.

What is a Board Developed Course?

Board Developed Courses are the large number of courses set and examined by NESA that can contribute to the calculation of the ATAR. 

These include: 

  • general education courses 
  • VET Industry Curriculum Framework courses 
  • Life Skills courses (not examined). 

These are the only courses offered at Newington College.

What is a Board Endorsed Course?

What is a Board Endorsed Course? 

Board Endorsed Courses count towards the HSC but do not have a HSC exam and do not contribute towards the calculation of the ATAR. 

These include: 

  • Content Endorsed Courses 
  • VET Board Endorsed Courses 
  • School developed Board Endorsed Courses 
  • University developed Board Endorsed Courses 

Newington College does not offer Board Endorsed courses.  

HSC: Do I have to do Maths?

The only subject that you must do is English. There are no other compulsory subjects. However, it is very difficult not to do Maths as it will normally take up one whole line in the timetable. If you are considering not doing Maths you must talk very carefully to your Head of House and the Head of Mathematics to make sure you are making the right decision. To get enough units you may have to do an outside subject at, for example, TAFE.

Can I choose any subject?

No. For a number of subjects, the Head of Department may decide you do not have the ability to cope with the workload or be successful in a subject. If this is the case, you will be required to pick an alternative subject. Students must discuss options with their Head of House. 

In the IB, there are patterns of study that you need to adhere to.

Also note some subjects have major projects in both the HSC and IB. A student should be careful that he does not pick a number of subjects which have major projects due at the same time. Some subjects with large projects due in are English Extension 2, Drama, Visual Arts, Software Engineering, Design and Technology and Industrial Technology.

What is an ATAR? 

ATAR stands for Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank. It is used to gain direct entry to Australian Universities. A student rank of 70.00 in NSW is the same as a student rank of 70.00 in Victoria, which allows students to apply equitably to any university in any state. The highest rank attainable is 99.95.

HSC and IB results are converted into an ATAR.

Can I get into university without an ATAR?

Yes.  There are a range of alternative pathways and programs that are run by specific universities.

See Mr Roberts for details.

What does VET stand for?

VET stands for Vocational Education and Training – courses that combine HSC study with nationally recognised qualifications. 

What’s the difference between a VET and a TVET course?

VET courses are studies at Newington.  TVET courses are VET courses studied at TAFE.

What is the impact of choosing a TAFE course outside of the VET courses offered at school?

TAFE provides a number of vocational courses other than the ones offered at school. While they all count towards an HSC, not all of them can be used in the calculation of an ATAR. Students need to be especially careful if they pick one of these subjects. They must make sure that they will still have at least 8 units of Board Developed courses, which can include relevant TAFE courses should they wish to get an ATAR. Students who do not wish to get an ATAR do not need to worry about this. 

In the context of VET, what does dual accreditation mean?

Dual accreditation means the course is accredited by the Board of Studies for HSC purposes and by ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) for industry purposes. Because VET HSC courses are based on national training standards, once completed, a vocational qualification is recognised across Australia. Subjects studied in their VET courses may give students credit when attempting other courses at a later date – this is called ‘credit transfer’. VET courses may also give students credit transfer when attempting an apprenticeship or a traineeship. 

HSC: What is the NSW School of Languages?

The NSW School of Languages is the only LOTE (Languages Other Than English) specialist school in NSW. It currently teaches 11 languages to nearly 2000 students from over 500 government and non-government schools. 

Interested students must speak to Ms Foster at the earliest opportunity. It is important to register interest to ensure a place in the relevant course.  


HSC: What is the Saturday School of Community Languages? 

The Saturday School of Community Languages offers a wide variety of languages, at both 2 unit and Extension level. It gives students the opportunity to study the language they speak at home if a course in that language is not offered at their own school.  

The school is a public secondary school which operates only on Saturdays. More than 6000 students in Years 7-12 from both government and non-government schools and TAFE colleges, are enrolled.  

Saturday School students follow Board of Studies syllabuses in 24 languages. These languages are assessable as part of their Higher School Certificate. 

What happens if a student is removed from an external or online course?

If a student is removed from a course by the external agency or Newington for attendance, academic or behavioural reasons, the full cost of the course must be met by the parents. If a student is voluntarily withdrawn from an external course before the final IB or HSC examinations all tuition fees for the course must be met by parents. Course completion is entirely dependent on attendance and diligence. If course requirements are not met, students may put their HSC or IB completion in jeopardy.