The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP or ‘IB’) is a rigorous two-year international program offered to students in Years 11 and 12.

About the IB

Newington College is one of over 90 schools in Australia that offers the IB as a leaving credential to senior students. The IB: 

  • Is a challenging two-year course recognised by most universities around the worldStudents are part of a global cohort. 
  • Caters for students who want a broad-based pattern of study. Students must include a foreign language, English, Mathematics, Science and a humanities subject in their course
  • Requires student to complete three compulsory core components on top of their chosen subjects

The IB is: 

  • Based on inquiry 
  • Focused on conceptual understanding 
  • Developed in local and global contexts 
  • Focused on effective teamwork and collaboration 
  • Differentiated to meet the needs of all learners 
  • Informed by assessment  

It is a program designed for students who are prepared to complete a broad pattern of study and are intending on matriculating to university either in Australia or overseas.

IB course requirements

IB students must complete six subjects and three compulsory core components.

At least one subject must be chosen from each of five groups:  

1. English
2. Languages

  • The sixth subject can be a Group 6 Arts subject or a second subject from Groups 2-4. 
  • Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS) is a transdisciplinary subject that encompasses concepts and content across Group 3 (Humanities) and Group 4 (Sciences). Students can choose ESS to cover both Groups 3 and 4 at the same time, freeing them up to choose 2 subjects from another group. Example combinations are:
    • Group 6: Music and Theatre Arts
    • Group 6: Music and Visual Arts
    • Group 6: Visual Arts and Theatre Arts
    • ESS and a second subject from Group 2 Language Acquisition
    • ESS and a second subject from Group 3 Humanities
    • ESS and a second subject from Group 4 Science
  • At least three subjects (and no more than four) must be Higher Level subjects. Higher level subjects involve 240 teaching hours.
  • The remaining subjects must be Standard Level subjects. Standard level subjects involve 150 teaching hours. 
  • The choice of HL and SL at this stage is indicative and will be finalised at the end of Term 3of Year 11. The exception to this are Mathematics, Italian ab initio (only SL) and Spanish ab initio (only SL).
  • The extended essay (core component) is a 4000-word research-based piece in an approved subject on a topic of the students’ choosing. More information about the extended essay can be found here.
  • The Theory of Knowledge (core component) focuses on critical thinking and the process of knowing, rather than about learning a specific body of knowledge. Assessment is based on an essay and a presentation. More information about the Theory of Knowledge component can be found here.
  • Creativity, Action and Service (core component) involves students in activities outside their academic studies. More information about the Creativity, Action and Service component can be found here.

A guide to the IB assessment process can be found here

IB subject selection

Students must choose one subject from each of groups 1-5. Their sixth subject may be chosen from either group 6 or as an additional subject in groups 1-5. 

Need to know 

Language levels: Newington College is guided by the IB in ensuring students select the appropriate level of language study. All decisions will include discussions with the Head of IB, Head of Languages and the Director of Studies.   Newington reserves the right to determine a student ineligible for a particular language if there is any doubt regarding the students prior learning and all experience with the language. 

Online study is only available with the approval of the Head of House, the Head of IB and the Director of Studies. 

Students planning to study at an overseas or interstate university should check if they need specific prerequisite subjects. This information can be found on the UAC, university and College websites. 

Boys should discuss possible subjects with Heads of Department and their Head of House to ensure they have the skills and aptitude to fulfill the course requirements.

In some cases students will not be able to complete their chosen combination of subjects if :

– Some subjects will have insufficient numbers of students for us to be able to run a class.

– Some combinations of subjects will clash on the school timetable.

Students in this position will be supported to find alternative patterns of study for Year 11.

IB subjects on offer in 2025