Community Service Events

Boys in all year groups are encouraged to get involved in service opportunities at the College as well as in their local, national and international communities. We hope that through these service opportunities boys will develop a greater sense of empathy and global responsibility.

Red Shield Appeal

The Salvation Army provides help and hope for over one million people around Australia every year including people who are hungry, homeless, abandoned or abused. In order to raise funds for the organisations vast network of social services, the Salvation Army runs the annual Red Shield Appeal Doorknock.

Each year Newington boys in Years 10–12 come together as a team whole-heartedly embrace the opportunity to give back to their local community by volunteering their time and raising much needed funds for this worthy charity.

With more than 275 Newington boys and 85 parent and staff drivers working side-by-side members of the Salvation Army and Rotary, at the 2017 event we raised a total of $18,146.

Relay for Life

Each year the College’s Edmund Webb Boarding House gets involved in the Cancer Council’s Relay for Life. This event provides communities with the opportunity to recognise and celebrate those who have overcome cancer by participating in a 24 hour team relay event. All proceeds raised from the day go to research, prevention and support services for people living with cancer.

Shave for a Cure

Winter might not be the ideal time to get your hair shorn off, but if it’s for a worthy cause, then why not.

Newington’s ‘bald beauties’ braved the crowds on Tuesday 4 April in the annual Shave for a Cure event in support of the Leukemia Foundation.

This year’s headcount included 40 Year 12 boys, Mr Gary Maxwell, Mr Stewart McCarroll and Miss Rukevwe Bateren. Overall, Newington raised more than $21,000.