Drama 2 Unit

Category A Subject

Course Description

Preliminary Course [Board Developed] 2 units
HSC Course [Board Developed] 2 units

Students study the practices of making, performing and critically analysing Drama and Theatre. Students gain skills and understanding of various dramatic forms and styles (such as Physical Theatre, Black Comedy and Australian Theatre) through collaborative tasks and individual experiences. The course is characterised by learning that depends on students practically workshopping concepts and ideas, conventions and techniques, and challenges them to respond through enquiry, research, and higher order analysis reflection. Core skills such as communication, problem solving and working with others are key elements taught in the course.


Main Topics Covered:

  • Improvisation, Playbuilding, Acting
  • Elements of Production in Performance
  • Theatrical Traditions and Performance Styles

Preliminary Course Content:

In Improvisation, students learn how to work spontaneously to create characters and situations, explore ideas and issues, and use and experiment with elements and structures. In Playbuilding, students learn to collaborate in devising original presentations using dramatic elements, structures and performance styles. Students learn how to use acting skills and performance spaces and how to establish an actor-audience relationship appropriate to style and purpose. Students learn to use production elements such as costume, sound and lighting. In Acting, students learn how to use the voice and body, in conjunction with the mind and the imagination, to transform themselves as an actor into a character.

Students learn how to record their experiences in logbooks as reflections, critical appraisal of their own work and the work of others, research, analysis, drafts, character profiles, notes, extracts from scripts, reviews and directors’ notes.

  • Australian Drama and Theatre (Core component)
  • Studies in Drama and Theatre
  • Group Performance (Core component)
  • Individual Project

HSC Course Content:

‘Australian Drama and Theatre’ and ‘Studies in Drama and Theatre’ involve the theoretical study through practical exploration of themes, issues, styles and movements of traditions of theatre, and relevant acting techniques, performance styles and spaces. In the study of theoretical components, students engage in practical workshop activities and performances to assist their understanding, analysis and synthesis of material covered in areas of study. The ‘Group Performance’ (three to six students) involves creating a piece of original theatre. It provides an opportunity for each student to demonstrate his performance skills, using a variety of play building techniques and approaches. For the Individual Project students demonstrate their expertise in a chosen area. They complete one project from Critical Analysis, Design, Performance, Scriptwriting or Video Drama.


Assessment – HSC course only

Written Examination
Section I – Australian Drama and Theatre
One extended response question
Section II – Studies in Drama and Theatre Candidates answer one extended response question
Making 40
Group Performance 30 Performing 30
Individual Performance 30 Critically Studying 30
  100   100