English (Standard) 2 Unit (Year 12 Only)

HSC English

Course Description

Main Topics Covered

HSC Course (Y12) 

The English Standard course consists of four main topics in Year 12, each covering a key aspect of English.

  • Common Module: Texts and Human Experiences – is aimed at deepening student understanding of how texts represent human qualities and emotions associated with, or arising from, a range of human experiences. 
  • Module A: Language, Identity and Culture – develops an insight into how language has the power to both reflect and shape individual and collective identity. 
  • Module B: Close Study of Literature – develops interpretive skills based on close reading and evaluation of a novel. 
  • Module C: The Craft of Writing – can be interwoven into the study of all our texts and concepts throughout the year, encouraging students to read widely and reflectively to strengthen and extend their knowledge, skills and confidence as accomplished writers.

Assessment - HSC course only

There are both internal and external assessments to support students in Stage 6 English. 

Internal assessments encourage students to develop their reading comprehension, speaking and listening, viewing and writing skills across a range of forms and contexts. These tasks are designed to help students in their understanding and appreciation of language and literature, and to prepare students for their final examinations. 

The final HSC examination will be in two separate papers.   

  • Paper 1 focuses on the Common Module: Texts and Human Experiences, and involves (i) a reading comprehension task and (ii) an extended response on a prescribed text (‘Billy Elliot’) 
  • Paper 2 consists of three sections, focusing on Module A: Language, Identity and Culture (short stories by Henry Lawson), Module B: Close Study of Literature (poetry of Robert Gray) and Module C: The Craft of Writing.