Aboriginal Studies


Course Description

Aboriginal Studies is designed to foster intellectual, social and moral development by enabling students to think critically about the historical and contemporary experiences of Aboriginal peoples. Through this study students will develop a heightened understanding and appreciation of the concepts of social justice and shared histories, and will critically examine their role as active and informed citizens.

Aboriginal history and culture are fundamental to the development of Australian identity. Aboriginal Studies acknowledges the contribution of Aboriginal cultures and communities to Australian society.  It seeks to provide a body of knowledge that is both accurate and unbiased. In terms of critical thinking skills, the course will also provide students with ways of detecting and analysing bias in representations of Aboriginal peoples.

Aboriginal Studies is a unique experience for both Aboriginal students and non-Aboriginal students. Aboriginal students are provided with an opportunity for cultural affirmation and positive educational experiences while non-Aboriginal students are able to ‘learn together’ with Aboriginal peoples and communities. All students are encouraged to take an active role in the process of reconciliation.

Students undertaking the course will develop strong interpersonal and written communication skills through a diverse range of assessment tasks. This year, students were given the opportunity to travel to Eungai Creek to meet with Aboriginal elders and other leaders to discuss issues such as health and education for their local community study. For the HSC, students are tasked with producing a major work (marked internally) on an issue relating to Aboriginal Australians that interests them.