Student Webinar Series
This is a series of webinars for Stage 6 Philosophy students. Prominent academics will introduce a wide range of topics and issues.
If you would like to take part in this series, please contact Dr Jeremy Hall:

Where do right and wrong come from?
Tuesday 1 June, 7.00pm (AEST)
Where do right and wrong come from?
Dr Caroline West

John Stuart Mill and the Philosophy of Free Speech
Tuesday 11 May, 7.00pm (AEST)
John Stuart Mill and the Philosophy of Free Speech
Dr Daniel Hailliday

An Introduction to Existentialism
Tuesday 16 March, 7.00pm (AEST)
An Introduction to Existentialism
Robert Kirkwood

Buddhist Ethics
Friday 26 February, 9.30am (AEST)
Buddhist Ethics
Venerable Robina Courtin