Co-curricular Engagement
Welcome to Newington College. This is the official site for the Strategic Plan 2015 - 2018 'Discover what's possible'.
Priority 4.1 Opportunities
a) Continue to develop a range of opportunities to explore and give expression to each boy’s talents, skills and character.
b) Provide challenging co-curricular programs that suit the needs of the boys.
4.1.1 Ensure balance and equity between all sectors of our co-curricular programs.
4.1.2 Review annually all co-curricular programs.
4.1.3 Seek partnerships with outside co-curricular groups or experts in their field to enhance our programs and opportunities.
4.1.4 Continue to pursue further accreditation avenues for co-curricular contribution.
4.1.5 Cater for boy led initiatives if appropriate.
4.1.6 Develop opportunities for tours and hosting of tours.
4.1.7 Develop lifelong involvement in areas of interest at all levels of competition and skill.
4.1.8 Promote short or long term exchange opportunities for boys.
4.1.9 Promote team activities across the co-curricular spectrum.
4.1.10 Embed new sport options as appropriate and seek meaningful competitions with other schools.
4.1.11 Explore new co-curricular opportunities e.g. technical crews for performing arts; catering groups for College events; film and digital mediums.
Priority 4.2 Expectations
c) Clarify expectations for all boys to participate in a quality co-curricular program. Continue to enhance sportsmanship, citizenship, stewardship, competitiveness and contribution.
4.2.1 Build strong coaching and co-curricular programs.
4.2.2 Review our co-curricular requirements for Senior boys.
d) Embed sporting values into all aspects of our programs.
4.2.3 Emphasise the relevance and importance of conducting rigorous, comprehensive and ongoing risk assessments.
4.2.4 Ensure appropriate acknowledgement of staff and parents for their specific contributions to the co-curricular programs of the College.
4.2.5 Review sporting complexities of Club expectations, talent identification programs in all sports, AAGPS requirements, and provision of meaningful sporting experiences.
e) Implement strategies that ensure Newington continues to be a leading and valued member of the AAGPS community.
4.2.6 Review staff expectations plus minimum requirements for coaching, first aid, and manager duties.
4.2.7 Provide ongoing professional development for coaches including induction and expectations of the College.
4.2.8 Actively contribute to the AAGPS external review.
4.2.9 Reinforce AAGPS Code of Conduct to our coaches, managers, parents and boys.
Priority 4.3 Leadership
f) Provide recognition and leadership opportunities for boys.
4.3.1 Review the award, reward, colours and honours structures for boys.
4.3.2 Review the level and breadth of boy contribution and how it is acknowledged publicly.
4.3.3 Promote the importance of each boy and staff member contributing to and appreciating all co-curricular offerings.
4.3.4 Build opportunities for boy leadership in all aspects of the co-curricular and curricular programs.
4.3.5 Improve the processes for the selection of co-curricular leaders and communication strategies around the decision process.