Community in Partnership
Welcome to Newington College. This is the official site for the Strategic Plan 2015 - 2018 'Discover what's possible'.
Priority 5.1 Our Proud History
a) Celebrate our proud history.
5.1.1 Foster our Archives Department and further develop growth and community awareness of the importance of archives to the operation of the College.
5.1.2 Build upon the goodwill generated by the Sesquicentenary celebrations in 2013.
5.1.3 Update Peter Swain’s history book for the period 1999–2018 so that the College regularly records key facts and information.
5.1.4 Acknowledge the contribution of Newington Old Boys to their local, national and international communities.
5.1.5 Acknowledge the contribution of Newington Old Boys at the WWI and Anzac centenary celebrations in 2015.
b) Retain our core Tongan relationships.
5.1.6 Continue to foster the historical Tongan bursaries program with Tupou College, Tonga.
5.1.7 Visit Tupou College annually.
c) Continue with trend of developing boarding as a strong element of College life.
5.1.8 Continue restoration of our traditional rural and regional boarding numbers and seek to expand numbers when the facility upgrade occurs.
Priority 5.2 Our School Today
d) Foster formal and informal opportunities for families to actively participate in the education of their sons.
5.2.1 Create a dynamic and vibrant community within the wider College family, based around the need for quality relationships as the core of all our activities.
e) Develop further opportunities to link, interact and engage with our neighbouring schools across a range of areas.
5.2.2 Collaborate with IB and near geographic schools in
- joint IBDP courses;
- creative arts events in drama, music, visual arts, literature festivals and awards
- staff professional development.
f) Implement best practice in relation to corporate governance.
5.2.3 Maintain the College Council focus on good governance practices. This will include ongoing governance professional development for members of the College Council.
Priority 5.3 Towards the Future
g) Establish Early Learning Education Centres.
5.3.1 Explore possibilities for setting up Early Learning Centres for Lindfield and Wyvern. If viable, develop a promotional awareness communications strategy for the ELC.
h) Develop strategies to further strengthen Lindfield Prep as an important element of the College.
5.3.2 Conduct demographic study to determine trends and the changing demographic patterns in the suburbs from which we draw our boys.
Priority 5.4 Valuing Community
i) Regularly communicate with boys, parents and members of the wider College community as we strive for more effective feedback on policies and practices in our constant quest for improvement.
5.4.1 Effectively communicate school information in a timely and informative manner.
5.4.2 Promote and celebrate Newington community initiatives and successes.
5.4.3 Seek and report on annual qualitative and quantitative feedback from our community.
j) Serve the wider community – locally, nationally and internationally through our extensive Service Learning programs. Plus continue to improve our ‘Public Purpose Impact’.
5.4.4 Build relational and service-oriented links between the College and rural Australia and overseas.
5.4.5 Maintain our membership obligations, responsibilities and participation with the IBO, AIME and Uniting Church social justice initiatives.
5.4.6 Continue to develop our “public purpose” impact – how do we contribute to society.
k) Acknowledge and celebrate the continuing role of the Old Newingtonians Union and The 70 Club.
5.4.7 Initiate ONU reunions, back to College visits and mentor programs, acknowledging the invaluable contribution of the Old Newingtonians’ Union and groups such as The 70 Club, Founders Society and Foundation.
l) Seek new ways of engaging, acknowledging and supporting the Parents & Friends (P&F) groups and related support groups.
5.4.8 Expand meaningful Parent Forums and Sessions on boy related issues.
5.4.9 Acknowledge vital contributions of the P&F groups and continue to review support opportunities and different communication strategies.
m) Further develop links to Alumni e.g. former parents and staff, friends of the College.
5.4.10 Invite the wider community to initiatives at the College, e.g. Biennial Literature Festival; Biennial Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Festival (STEM); Concordia Gallery; school facilities; Centre for Ethics.
5.4.11 Initiate opportunities for Alumni (ex-parents, ex-staff, friends) to engage with the College.
n) Forge further links to wider educational initiatives or partnerships e.g. the university and TAFE sectors.
5.4.12 Foster globalisation opportunities.
Priority 5.5 Record and Information Management
o) Develop appropriate strategies to protect and use records in a digital age.
5.5.1 Review archives storage, security, and access on a regular basis.
5.5.2 Develop an enterprise approach to information management.
5.5.3 Review business and educational continuity strategies.
5.5.4 Foster staff, parent and boy access to policies.
5.5.5 Educate for digital security.
p) Meet all Privacy Law regulations.
5.5.6 Check all Privacy Law requirements are being communicated and implemented.