Learning and Teaching
Welcome to Newington College. This is the official site for the Strategic Plan 2015 - 2018 'Discover what's possible'.
Priority 1.1. Choice, Balance and Diversity
a) Ensure the College’s curriculum provides choice and balance while acknowledging the changing expectations and requirements at community, state, national and international levels.
1.1.1 Ensure the stability of the school’s academic program by sustaining high standards in compliance with state, national and IB curriculum regulations.
1.1.2 Shape the implementation of Australian curriculum to ensure the best educational outcomes for Newington boys.
1.1.3 Develop and implement alternative curriculum options to suit all boys.
1.1.4 Develop and implement strategies to increase regional and global awareness across the curriculum.
1.1.5 Review choice of options within curriculums to provide flexibility and utilise teacher strengths.
1.1.6 Review the curriculum structure and options across Years 7–10.
1.1.7 Develop alignment of curriculum and teaching practices across the College with the philosophies of the International Baccalaureate Organisation.
Priority 1.2 Uniqueness
b) Value individual differences and provide for the different learning needs of all boys through an inclusive curriculum and outstanding teaching.
1.2.1 Ensure an integrated Years K–12 approach to learning enhancement.
1.2.2 Develop and implement effective individual learning support and enrichment programs for gifted students.
1.2.3 Enhance curriculum differentiation for all boys across the College.
1.2.4 Evaluate and modify all teaching and learning programs and initiatives in terms of their ability to ensure the quality of academic performance of all boys.
1.2.5 Review the provision of English as Second Language (ESL) and Life Skills programs.
1.2.6 Clarify communication and monitoring systems for students with specific learning needs.
Priority 1.3 Excellence in Educational Delivery
c) Apply effective learning theory to develop and deliver high quality learning and teaching programs.
1.3.1 Integrate, embed and evaluate the learning frameworks for each campus. Continue the implementation of the Newington Learning and Teaching Framework (Secondary), Building Learning Power Learning Framework (Wyvern) and the IB Primary Years Programme (Lindfield).
1.3.2 Ensure that a holistic approach to academic learning is maintained through building and acknowledging the value of the co-curricular and well-being programs and their role in motivating and developing self-esteem and self-worth for boys in their learning.
1.3.3 Implement and evaluate best-practice pedagogies to improve learning outcomes across Years 5-8.
d) Foster a community of learners and forge strategic alliances with other educational institutions.
1.3.4 Develop clear and on-going links with TAFE, university and other educational providers for the benefit of boys’ learning and for staff professional development through action research.
1.3.5 Continue to develop links with the parent community and Old Boys for apprenticeships, vocational training, academic enrichment opportunities and as mentors for boys.
1.3.6 Benchmark and share policies and practices with our Australian group of similar schools (GO8) and with our member International Boys’ Schools Coalition schools.
e. Develop high quality learning environments at each campus.
1.3.7 Review and adopt appropriate new pedagogies and theories at each stage.
1.3.8 Continue to utilise approaches that provide opportunities for teachers to specialise in areas of passion and expertise.
1.3.9 Further develop programs and festivals to showcase specific academic disciplines. e.g. Literature Festival, STEM Festival, etc. 1.3.10 Develop the role of our libraries to support the development of digital and information fluency across the curriculum and to foster a reading and literacy culture.
f) Integrate literacy, numeracy and the latest information and communication technologies across the curriculum.
1.3.11 Continue to build dynamic and robust Literacy and Numeracy programs from Years K–12.
g) Develop effective learning analytics methodology and usage.
1.3.12 Rationalise the collation, tracking and analysis of data for all boys on one database, making it easy for staff to interpret that data and modify their teaching practice accordingly.
1.3.13 Refine rubrics for monitoring student academic progress to ensure personalised approaches to improving learning outcomes and performance.
h) Seek regular feedback.
1.3.14 Conduct regular boy feedback mechanisms to tap into perspectives about the educational delivery.
I) Apply benefits of appropriate ICT usage within the curriculum and for teaching methodologies.
1.3.15 Develop and implement an effective digital citizenship strategy across the curriculum.
1.3.16 Implement and evaluate effective learning management and communications platforms to facilitate online learning.
1.3.17 Apply appropriate ICT hardware and software to maximise learning opportunities.
1.3.18 Prepare for the likelihood of future external examinations via online methods.
1.3.19 Investigate, develop and implement technological strategies to promote mobility, convergence and connectivity.
1.3.20 Assess and respond to emerging ICT trends in the delivery of teaching and learning.
1.3.21 Regularly modify and improve our approach to personal learning technologies across Years 5–12.