Welcome to Newington College. This is the official site for the Strategic Plan 2015 - 2018 'Discover what's possible'.
Priority 7.1 Income
a) Provide sound and conservative financial management.
b) Seek full enrolments at all year groups.The guidance levels to be;
(i) Years 7–12 Stanmore 210 (min) to 220 (max) per year group
(ii) Years 5–6 Wyvern 92 (min) to 100 (max) per year
(iii) Years 3–4 Wyvern 72 (min) to 75 (max) per year
(iv) Years K–2 Wyvern 40 (min) to 44 (max) per year
(v) Years K–6 Lindfield targets
- 152 (min) to 172 (max) if 8 sets
- 162 (min) to 192 (max) if 9 sets
7.1.1 Ensure that the corresponding College financial plan for the next four years is appropriately geared towards achieving the key goals being targeted in the educational plan.
7.1.2 The College’s viability is paramount in all forward educational and financial planning. It is imperative that the College’s financial sustainability and viability is uppermost with planning.
7.1.3 Plan for the impact of changing and uncertain State and Federal government funding models for independent schools.
7.1.4 Develop increasing staff awareness of how the College’s budgeting process works to increase transparency, encourage ownership and create accountability for all with the College’s finances.
7.1.5 Rolling 10 year cash flow targets as part of the revised Financial Master Plan model.
7.1.6 Continue to develop strategies, efficiencies and procedures to keep College fee rises to a minimum.
7.1.7 Continue growth in income stream required to support the diversity of program offerings (including increasing sources of non-fee income).
c) Foster the Newington Foundation to focus on the spirit of giving to the scholarship and bursary programs, the annual appeal, the Founders Society Bequest program and the capital (building) projects.
7.1.8 Continue to grow the Newington Foundation’s Bequest program via Founders Society.
7.1.9 Increase the percentage of scholarships and bursaries that are fully funded by the end of the four year planning period by at least 10% p.a.
7.1.10 Review scholarship/bursary testing and interview requirements.
d) Continue to ensure wait lists for all entry levels.
7.1.11 Continue highly personal, service-oriented registration and admissions experience for prospective families supported by effective and efficient processes and communication.
e) Maintain high awareness and communication strategies to promote Newington as a school of first choice for parents seeking an independent education for their son.
7.1.12 Develop excellent communication tools and prepare dynamic, up to date content to share the exceptional Newington experiences, both for boys and their families, with the broader community.
Priority 7.2 Asset Management
f) Ensure facilities are well maintained.
7.2.1 Further develop a major asset management, repair and maintenance program for property and grounds. This is to include a preventative maintenance schedule.
g) Further develop environmental management programs.
7.2.2 Further develop an environmentally friendly approach to all aspects of the College’s operations.
7.2.3 Follow the environmental principles required in new buildings and seek a reduction in our ecological footprint.
7.2.4 Establish further solar panels on available roof spaces.
7.2.5 Educate boys to practice sustainability both at school and in their daily lives.
Priority 7.3 Risk and Planning Compliance
h) Continue an effective financial, human investment and risk management program.
7.3.1 Maintain and further develop effective investment strategies to safeguard and grow the College’s capital resources. Review investment return targets on a regular basis.
7.3.2 Continue to conduct and to be cognisant of the financial implications of risk audits and assessments. Check regularly all risk and compliance issues/strategies.
7.3.3 Use an independent auditor to check our risk and compliance policies and practices on a regular basis.
7.3.4 Develop appropriate business intelligence data analysis systems (“big data”).
i) Continue an effective implementation of all compliance regulations.
7.3.5 Use well tested and reviewed AIS policies and advice on the areas of risk and compliance.
j) Develop a culture that all staff view this risk and compliance requirement as everybody’s responsibility.
7.3.6 Continue optimum utilisation and growth of the capacities of Synergetic and Risk Wizard online systems. This is to include training of staff on the Risk Wizard system and regular review of risk management systems data to determine if any new strategies are required.
7.3.7 Regularly check policies and practices against the new Privacy Laws.
k) Develop an updated Business Continuity Plan.
7.3.8 Continually test the Business Continuity Plan is up to date and active.
Priority 7.4 ICT = Information Communications Technology. Cater for the three current trends of ICT: Mobility, Convergence and Connectivity
l) Cater for the six emerging ICT trends of:
- Cloud computing
- Mobile learning
- Learning analytics
- Open content
- 3D printing
- Virtual and remote laboratories
m) Develop an educational service culture for the ICT staff.
n) Review our print room operations.
o) Foster ICT team working with staff and boys to:
- Trial and modify our ICT approach
- Constantly research
- Benchmark against others
7.4.1 Develop appropriate strategies, policies and practices for:
- Information, document and data management
Business Intelligence (BI)
Learning Analytics
Business Process Automation (BPA) – tools for staff, students, parents
- Communication
Unified Communications: beyond telephones/PABX
Mobile apps
Collaboration and Enterprise Social Networking
- Infrastructure
Networking and wireless
Servers: storage, and the cloud
- Technologies
Device transition strategy ‘Classroom’ technologies
Mobile strategy
- Competencies
Student digital literacies
Digital skills for teaching and non-teaching staff