Well-being, Character and Service
Welcome to Newington College. This is the official site for the Strategic Plan 2015 - 2018 'Discover what's possible'.
Priority 2.1 A Just and Caring Community
a) Continue to develop a culture that is inclusive and reinforces the values of care, intercultural and international understanding, consideration and respect for others.
b) Foster a holistic approach to the wellbeing of each boy encompassing the spiritual, academic, pastoral and co-curricular areas of his development.
2.1.1 Openly value the contributions of all boys and celebrate the diversity of their achievements and backgrounds.
2.1.2 Recognise the challenges of 21st Century family life.
2.1.3 Expand Service Learning opportunities with a strong emphasis on “hands on” approaches to community service and awareness raising.
2.1.4 Explore the concept of having a specialist unit for intellectually challenged boys.
2.1.5 Be an active member of the International Boys’ Schools Coalition (IBSC) seeking research opportunities, collaboration, benchmarking, sharing.
2.1.6 Foster and strengthen the House (Years 8–12) and Year Systems (Years K–7).
2.1.7 Refine and enhance the transitioning process from Year 6 into the Secondary School.
2.1.8 Continue to develop community feedback on well-being structures, policies and programs.
2.1.9 Continue to develop external well-being networks including links to specialist providers.
Priority 2.2 Policies and Programs to promote well-being and develop good character
c) Enhance each boy’s sense of self esteem, self-worth, independence and interdependence.
2.2.1 Encourage each boy’s identification with at least one significant staff member through his Secondary years.
2.2.2 Encourage emotional intelligence and resilience in all boys through all College programs.
2.2.3 Continue to use a range of behavioural management and motivational strategies that suit the needs of the individual boy.
2.2.4 Provide effective follow up on school reports with regard to effort and engagement both in and out of the classroom.
d) Phase in the best elements of a positive psychology approach to the Years 5–12 well-being programs.
2.2.5 Promote programs to raise awareness of mental health issues.
2.2.6 Train Year 8 Mentors in Term 4 to prepare for the implementation of positive psychology programs into Year 9.
e) Continue best practice anti-bullying strategies.
2.2.7 Provide programs that address unacceptable stereotyping and discrimination e.g. sexuality, racism, disabilities, gender.
2.2.8 Continue to develop age appropriate anti-bullying programs. This is to include regular boy feedback surveys on bullying in any format and follow-up as appropriate.
f) Promote effective professional development for staff on pastoral issues.
2.2.9 Provide an ongoing training program, including induction for Mentors.
g) Promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
2.2.10 Encourage a balanced lifestyle with good time management skills.
2.2.11 Offer relaxation, stress and time management programs.
2.2.12 Continue to develop a comprehensive physical fitness program for all boys.
2.2.13 Provide opportunities and develop strategies for boys to learn about ways to promote positive mental health.
h) Provide all the boys with timely affirmation and intervention with regard to effort and engagement.
2.2.14 Continue to develop age appropriate well-being programs.
2.2.15 Research effective indicators of effort and engagement.
I) Engage in strong partnership with parents on issues around character development, well-being programs and service initiatives.
2.2.16 Provide specialist guest speakers on all aspects of well-being, character and service.
J) Improve communication networks and channels for boys.
2.2.17 Explore the concept of a “one stop shop” tertiary model Student Centre for boys and parents to access all forms of information, communication and required academic data.
2.2.18 Conduct regular boy surveys on well-being issues and the Mentor program to constantly improve our well-being programs.
2.2.19 Conduct annual exit surveys for Years 6–12.
K) Develop global citizens who have a strong ethical compass.
2.2.20 Explore well-being in relation to good digital citizenship goals and promote programs to raise awareness of social media issues and healthy use of technology.
l) Promote leadership training and opportunities to serve (refer section 4.3)
2.2.21 Seek to improve leadership training and preparation for leadership opportunities across Years 5–12.
m) Provide quality school residential care for boarders.
2.2.22 Require all boarding staff to be up to date with residential care qualifications and training.