
A NESA Elective

Course Description

The study of music in its many forms helps to foster in students an awareness and appreciation of all cultures and their wealth of traditions.

All boys who have completed the mandatory Years 7 and 8 Music course are eligible to study the elective Music course.

In the elective Music course, students will study the concepts of music through learning experiences in Performing, Composing and Listening within the context of a range of styles, periods and genres.

Course Content

The mandatory topic for the elective Music course is Australian Music. Study is based around the analysis of a selection of works.

Additional topics:

  • The Musical
  • Music for small ensembles
  • World Music
  • Popular Music of the 1960s and 1970s
  • Jazz

The elective Music course allows for exploration of areas of interest specific to each student, as well as providing an exposure to music that may yet be unfamiliar.

Use of technology as a tool for creation is an important component of study. Students will have the chance to use notation, sequencing and recording software throughout the course.