
Elective Subject

Why Study Chinese?

The study of Chinese provides access to the language and culture of one of the global community’s most technologically advanced societies and economies. It also introduces students to an important part of the rich cultural tradition of East Asia. Through experience of the Chinese language system and cultural history, students gain valuable perspectives on art, music, customs, beliefs and the ways of thinking of the Chinese people.

Chinese has been identified as one of the priority languages in the Asia-Pacific region to be taught in Australian schools. There are sister city agreements between the two governments, providing Australian students with opportunities to host Chinese students and to visit and study in China.

Both Australia and China are members of the Asia Pacific Economic Community. China is one of Australia’s leading trading partners. It is therefore important for Australia’s long-term economic and social future that its relationship with China continues to be enhanced.

The study of Chinese provides students with opportunities for continued learning and for future employment, both domestically and internationally, in areas such as commerce, tourism, hospitality and international relations.

The Year 8 course assumes knowledge of Year 7. Students who have not completed Year 7, are expected to have caught up on missed content prior to commencing Year 8. In this case, it is highly recommended that students discuss their intention with the Head of Languages prior to making their subject selection.

Course Aims

  • To develop the four main literacy skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing
  • To learn to communicate in Chinese in realistic situations
  • To gain enjoyment from the mastery of another language
  • To gain an increased understanding of Chinese culture

Vocabulary Covered

  • Personal world
  • Hobbies
  • School
  • Food and drinks

The study of Chinese as an elective enhances boys’ literacy and communication skills in Chinese and English and allows them to identify the syntax of language.