Boarding Policies
Additional information about procedures in the Boarding House.
Bullying of any form will not be tolerated in the Boarding House.
Candles, Oil Burners and Incense
These items are prohibited for students at all times due to fire regulations.
As with ‘day’ students, you need to get permission to use a car. There is also an additional form to cover driving to and from the Boarding House on weekends – available from the Head of Boarding, which needs to be signed by parents (form is available on Boarding Spaces).
We have the keys locked in the MoD desk whenever the boys are in the house. Keys are only provided to the student when they have permission to drive on their leave request. There is to be no driving to school or any other activity unless permission is granted by the Head of Boarding or Deputy Head of Stanmore (Students).
A boy may not take any other student in his car unless he has received express permission to do so. The College appreciates the level of danger associated with new and inexperienced drivers. Parents of both the driver and passenger must have signed the car form in order to have any arrangement clearly outlined for all parties.
Any leave which involves driving a car, must be mentioned in their leave request.
The behaviour of Newington boarders is usually of the highest standard. We intend to constantly raise our standards, reminding boarders, families and staff, that together, we create the culture that we all live in.
House rules and guidelines have been developed with the intention of providing a high standard for us all to live by. In most instances, these guidelines have been developed to indicate basic expectations that boarders are expected to follow. Repeated ‘breaches’ may lead to additional duties or prep time, a loss of liberties, confiscation of devices, Friday afternoon detentions or a gating. Serious offences or repeated offences will be communicated home by the Head of Boarding.
Good behaviour is rewarded by the boarders themselves when they vote weekly for the ‘Man of the House’ Award. The Senior Boarders also award a community spirit award when it is earned.
For a medical emergency, students should immediately contact the Mentor-on-Duty or any resident for help. There are emergency care signs and procedure signs put up on notice boards in the House.
Note: If in any doubt, dial 000 (0000 from House phones to get an ‘outside’ line) and state whether you need Police, Ambulance or Fire Brigade. They will ask for the address of the Boarding House (115 Cambridge Street, Stanmore), the nearest intersection (Merchant Street) and the whereabouts of the emergency (the front entrance of the House). Someone must meet the emergency vehicle.
For a fire or other type of evacuation leave the House by the nearest exit that is safest to use. Make your way to the front of Wyvern Prep on Cambridge St and await instructions (see Fire Drill as well). Every room has evacuation details posted.
For a Lockdown, preferably move to the nearest staff residence where they will lock you inside. If you are unable to move to a staff residence, ensure that you are in a room within the House that is away from windows and doorways and remain quiet until staff or emergency services give the all clear. Following this, all residents will be informed by a staff member that they are safe and all residents are to meet in the same location as for a Fire for roll call.
The Boarding House is very fortunate to have a range of facilities at hand, including washing machines, driers, individual air-conditioning and a recently upgraded hot water system. However, in keeping with current concerns regarding global warming and climate change, students are encouraged to do their bit to help reduce water and electricity use. To this end, students can help the environment by:
- Having a shower that runs for no more than five minutes
- Ensuring that when doing one’s own washing that a ‘full’ (note: not overloaded) load of washing is put into the machine rather than a small load
- Consider hanging washing on the outside line (or in the drying room) rather than resorting to using electric driers, particularly when the weather is warm and/or windy
- Ensure that all lights and air-conditioners are switched off whenever leaving a room
- Consider whether air conditioning needs to be on in the first instance.
Fire Drills and Evacuation
The Boarding House holds several Fire Drills per year. These are designed to ensure that boarders are aware of the procedures and exit points to safely evacuate during a potential emergency. Drills are held at different times (with different levels of forewarning) to ensure that students are prepared for a variety of eventualities.
Each room has evacuation instructions that students should familiarise themselves with and look to follow in the event of an emergency.
There are two main types of auditory warnings.
A repeated ‘boop boop’ sound indicates that students should be alerted that an evacuation may be about to take place.
The other sound is a rising wail that indicates that all residents should leave by the nearest, safest exit immediately.
During a “lockdown” of the Boarding House, boys will hear the alert “boop boop” sound and one of the staff will announce a “lockdown” over the speaker system. Boys are to go straight to the nearest staff residence or move to a position within their room that is out of sight until they are informed by a staff member or member of the emergency services that it is clear for them to come out. At this stage all members of the House need to report to dining room for a roll call.
Students should then make their way outside and meet at the front of Wyvern Prep on Cambridge St and await roll call and further instructions.
Food (Storing)
ONLY water may be consumed in rooms and boys should have either their own cup or a water bottle for such use (that is no items are to be taken from the kitchen).
All other drinks and food must be consumed in the dining area.
There are to be no food or drinks in the common rooms and TV rooms.
If a boy wishes to store food in his wardrobe, he should seek permission from the Head of Boarding. In order to keep pests under control, only ‘sealed’ food may be stored. Failure to follow these expectations will see this privilege removed.
The College does not provide insurance for the personal belongings of its boarders. Students are responsible for the safety of their own belongings. Depending on the items being brought into the House, families may wish to look into extending their home contents insurance to cover their son’s expensive items.
It is encouraged that all possessions are named or engraved.
In addition to the fire drills, if a “Lockdown” is called over the emergency system, boys must move to the nearest Staff Residence or a room away from windows and doorways. Boys must stay in lockdown until informed by an emergency services worker or staff member that there is no longer a threat. Boys will then move to the Wyvern Prep car park on Cambridge St for a roll call.
In order for your son to receive mail promptly following delivery, mail should be addressed to the school as “John Smith, Boarding House, Newington College, 200 Stanmore Rd, Stanmore 2048”. Do not send mail to the House itself (Harrow Rd/Cambridge St) as it will only have to be re-directed, leading to a delay in its being received.
Upon accepting a position at Newington College parents are expected to fill out Medical details for their son. Health records are updated by the College and are accessible by the Boarding staff. It is important that parents inform the school if any new medical issues arise.
Medical Emergency
As outlined in the enrolment agreement:
We (parents) agree to pay all medical and ambulance expenses incurred on behalf of the student.
We acknowledge that we have fully disclosed any special needs (including but not limited to any medical, physical, learning or psychological needs) which the student has. Where any disclosed special needs change or where any special needs arise, we agree to notify the College immediately. We also agree to complete the student’s medical form accurately and provide annual updates for the College Clinic.
If the student is ill or injured, necessitating urgent hospital and/or medical treatment (for example injections, blood transfusions, surgery) and if we are not readily available to authorise such treatment, we authorise the Headmaster or, in his absence, a responsible member of the College staff, to give the necessary authority for such treatment.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are an effective way of keeping in touch with family and friends. In the Boarding House, they are used while boys are away on Leave from the House. While on Leave, boys are expected to have their phones on (within reason) and with sufficient credit to allow them to be contacted at all times. Mobile phones should be switched off during prep and may only be used with the permission of the MOD. Parents are requested to respect this restriction while the boys are studying. If urgent contact with your son is necessary, call the MOD mobile to speak to the Mentor-on-Duty. Mobile phones are to be switched off before bedtime. Failure to do so will lead to it being confiscated overnight. In junior years, Mobile phones are locked away prior to bedtime and stored in the IT Cabinet overnight.
Money (and Valuables)
Only ‘small’ amounts of money should be kept in the Boarding House at any time – sufficient to make small purchases (i.e. $10 – $20). Wallets (and other valuables) should preferably be in the possession of a student but when this is not practical, should always be kept locked in a student’s wardrobe.
Larger amounts of money should be kept in a student’s bank account (see Banking). In times of ‘emergency’, boys should look to give the Head of Boarding any large amount of money for safekeeping.
The Head of Boarding is able to lock up critical items such as Passports, if required. Boys should ensure that such items are always kept in a secure place.